The concept and implementation of this metronome are innovative and relatively user friendly. It is one of the few metronomes with polyrhythmic functions and self-timing training where the beat can be silenced in several ways, helping you develop your own sense of time internally without robotic reliance on the click. In those regards, everything works as advertised and the click is completely accurate.
However, where this app falls short, and the reason I dont use it much is the poor quality of sounds. There are only two from the list that I find practical to use while I practice drums. The rest are either harsh, too squashed sounding, have poor fades on the end, or they dont cut enough to be heard clearly.
This app is very well thought out and designed, and since its shortcomings can be overcome, Im giving it 3 out of 5 stars. More attention to useful sounds is the only thing lacking, although thats a somewhat large drawback.
Water Giant about Metronomics Metronome